The fact that you are willing to place your had upon the bible and lie in a court of law does not surprise me but next time I’ll be self representing so there’ll be no solicitor prepping you or consulting with your representative before hand…..!


Jellyfish spined tosser of a headmaster takes shelter behind female assistant jokass do your wife and daughter know your doing her… While your fully able to stand two heads above my boy screaming your head off at him in front of half the school your not man enough to do it with me in fact you wanted to play I can run round my desk faster than you…. But like most bullies when confronted with your own shit you tuck tail and run just like the pussy whipped bigot that you are… Sticks and stones can hurt your bones but poking makes you cry and cry you did to the police… Did they tell you I sent them in because unlike you you pig I’m fully capable of standing my ground and accepting responsibilty for my actions I don’t need to hide behind a woman or get others to make…

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