Tag Archive: lust

You are love and I will
Not fear you nor looking
Away when your mind does
Steer you in that distant
Constellation in search of that
Other that the mind does
Conjure in order to bring
About doubt from the fall
Of reality landing in that other
Place that is meant to be but
Merely restricts the physicality
Of the body but I know this that
You are love and I will not
Deny the self

Echo’s of the trees dreaming
As the wind rustles the branches
Causing the leaves to tremble in
That distant land of dreams in which
Lost reality of darkness now as it brings
An end to a day’s endurance and those
Questions begin to rest their weary
Minds in the darkness of the corners
Which light somehow does not find
Even in the brightest of summer days
And again the church bells play out a
Chorus for no apparent reason than the
Liking of the sound as to the echoes of an
Era gone by where man’s heart and mind
Were captured by a spirituality that somehow
No longer do we find it consoling of the death
From deep within and again troubled times
Are behind us and we take that breath
Of contentment and neglect

Distant echo’s of the past
claims upon the future and
things that last
changed imagination comes
into play maybe not tomorrow
and maybe not today

Distant echo’s of the past
holding on tightly for those
things do move fast that
bring about change how
strangely we view them
while all remains the same

Distant echo’s of the past
did we not do this before
was this not the last dance
oh how the music does play
swaying us this and thata way
dance little lady dance for
me for do you not know I’m
blind and do not see those sways
of attraction am not inspired
by physical abstraction for such
are the things that only for a while
that sunshine will bring for

Distant echo’s of the past
have there hold upon so many
a thing to bring about deception
and to the heart ache only brings


The need of it to hold
On to put in the bank
For you can not make
The greed of it to feed
The face to deprive another
Just in case you should
Ever bleed
The speed of it to drop
Ones own forsake all
Others work fingers to
The bone just to have
That house and home
Be all secure and live
The sense of it to capture
The soul defragmentation
Never to be whole to keep
It separate from its kind
Thus reducing the chance
To find true happiness to
Know ones worth and be
Truly blessed

Does this belong to you
I found it while walking
At first I was not sure
What to do I took it home
Gave it a corner to call
It’s own I gave it light
I gave it dark in all things
I did I allowed it to take
Part but its demure remained
The same no getting smaller
Nor weight did it gain so
I took it for a walk and to
My surprise it did start to
Talk of long and distant times
Of things that were done
To it which it considered a
Crime but now as it told its
Story to me it said that there
Was only one place it wanted
To be and that was back in
Your arms hoping that for you
It still had some charm so to
This I did agree I got it new
Clothing for not wanting you
To see its battered state it ask
So little I did not hesitate and
Now as you can see your heart
Is now ready to leave and come
Back to you willingly ;x

If the heart could choose the one to love
the one they call finger in a fingerless glove
would not the whole body close down no need
of the eyes no need of that frown

If the eyes could choose that one to love
Would we be safe from the heavens above
For look and you’ll see so many like me
Open and willing to hug away the tears
That say never you never give up

If the arms could choose that one to love
Would you still hold me would you give
Me that hug of reassurance to merely
Say forget about tomorrow let your troubles
Melt away


Will you not love me for the soul
That is within me that shines when
It thinks of your name or the joy
It brings to make my heart sing
And put an end to this game of life
The fuss and the strife of toing and
Throwing away

Will you not love me for the soul
That we share that notion of other
Of always being there when we are
Apart that consideration that says
To another don’t even start that
Game of make believe for my eyes
Are open you will not deceive that
Which is no longer mine for my heart
Has spoken and given as token all
That is considered divine


Inspired by the young gal Amanda ;x

To take a love that is not yours and you can not reciprocate is wrong to the deepest level for this is deceit unto the self the spirit and the other and to do so goes beyond physicality and game I wish that others would see the honesty in this and not get hung up on the seemingly rejection aspect for that it is not for in reality it is to not claim what is not yours and thus to show love unconditionally rather than to pretend to be in love…!

If nothing else we have
the darkness in which to
clearly see to tell the difference
between you and also me for
freely shall I walk and talk
for have I not shown this in
all my consistency

If nothing else we have
that thing we like to call
history for should it be
reflected upon surely you
would see the error of your
ways the things that are meant
to be gone but somehow do stay

If nothing else we have
the day to guide us in those
things we say for shall not
all come to light be shown
to be to stand or make flight
for only the wrong shall flee
for have not the righteous died
for thee enabling this free speech
although at times impossible to
seek the truth amongst it all

If nothing else we have
the now lost lost in visions
or deluded somehow but the
words of deceit that often do
come out of the mouth to greet
by those passing in your time

Close your eyes and imagine
those times of yesteryear
those times of children holding
hands and walking without
fear into the night of the inner
cities surrounded by the glow
of the yellow street lamps under
the gaze of passer-byes enjoying
the moment not complaining of
the cries of merriment and children
saying good byes as the headed
to their homes

Close your eyes and imagine
how it must of felt to know of
safety and that each heart would
melt into the eyes of a child not
concerned with judgement or
notions of running wild but
remembering those times when
to be so young was to be really free
only consideration was to be happy

Close your eyes and imagine
those times for have not our
children lost their childhood is
this not the real crime of living
in a democracy where crimes are
encouraged and paedophiles run free
having more rights than the children
this is depravity this death of the
innocence supported politically

Close your eyes and imagine

Should the eyes be the window
to that other place why is it that
we look in every other place when
we meet that perceptive other
can it be false can it be misleading
are there other things that we can
discover by seeing that physicality
by not observing the soul can you
really see me

should the eyes be the window
to both in and out what of the mouth
the hands and there abouts those
other aspects of the extremities
the one’s that call us could they
possibly be something other than
the self could they give indication
to mind and health

should the eyes be the window
then let me not see the sorrow the
pain that they bring to me for these
are the things that I see in the eyes
of those passing me by

Look closely and you will see
the truth of it that beauty is in
every thing that be in light and
in darkness

Look closely and you will see
that what was once the beginning
is also the end of me for all things
are one and the same

Look closely and you will see
what was lost was not taken
but given freely of the mind
the spirit and the heart for
to give is to become that central
part of all

Look closely and you will see
that reflected within mine own
eyes is nothing but me and the
possibility of it all

Look closely and you will see

That face in the crowd that
screams out loud to be left
alone in the darkness of the
day walk on by do not look
for a way for you do not want
that attention to seek for left
alone it is meek and mild but
stare if you dare to awake
without care all that the darkness
can bring for shadows alone
even in the brightness are at
home with that other place
waiting for you

No trace of an investigation can be found… information that should be available to the public is missing or just outright refused. What exactly is it that is going on in this County of Rutland home to the largest proportion of millionaires in the country and so many serving and ex members of the government. Is it actually true that money can buy a police force into silence into so many unsolved crimes and in fact pay for them to bring charges knowing full well that they in doing so are breaching the human rights of others. What really goes on behind the scenes in Britain’s oldest recorded county and home to the oldest and richest families in England.

There is something about this man’s death that makes council members and employees very uncomfortable. But from personal experience I know that when the council are informed that they are pushing people to the point where they may break them this does not stop their harassment discriminatory practices and/or behaviour or the bullying of residents or employees. In fact it seems to give them added incentive and reason to pile on even more pressure. The fact that this is led from the top down does not excuse their actions but I can imagine the same tactics being used upon the staff members that they use upon the public and all minorities that come into contact with. There are people in the know down here like the author of the attached article that are too scared to speak out or have injunctions and made up charges laid against them at the slightest mention of the Chief executive of Rutland County Council and several members of the Rutland police force. My advice to you is to stop using the same legal aid tossers and phone me I’ll come and represent you for free. I have successfully defended myself against these racist bigots and inappropriate representatives of local government and judiciary on more than three occasions. You keep using legal aid they are going to keep tying you up in knots. Stand up show some balls and gumption and stop letting these wankers walk all over you…!


Council worker kills himself after suspension

Rutland County Councils chief executive officers only qualification is in cooking ;o


Boy assaulted and police refuse to act…!

Racist Rutland Police…. !

Rutland County Councils chief executive officers only qualification is in cooking ;o

Masons and their equals seem to be behind the scenes within Oakham Rutland

MP Alan Duncan your a cunt…

Rutland County Council and police….!

Racist headmaster and school get full support and backing of the local police

Racist headmaster and school get full support and backing of the local police

Racist headmaster at vale of Catmose college hides behind woman when confronted

Wife swapping dock sucking corrupt councillors in Rutland

MP breaks copywrite laws in order to have man arrested…!

everybody has a mind but not
everybody can find what is needed
to express those inner things to
those others of our kind that at times
we do find on our journey to and
from the beginning
everybody has a mind but not
all are defined in those things
that give life and make it so
appealing to the heart for some
have yet to start those things we
discern while we are screen out
what is important to shout from
the mountains of the soul

your a beast a deceiver a little
known diva who does nothing than
mess with my head you said from
the start you would give me your
heart but all you wanted was to
bed my physicality not knowing
of the real me nor wanting to get
in my mind to find those other things
that only the touching of true souls
can bring
your a beast a deceiver a little
known diva but without I’m already
dead in the eyes which hold no
longer surprise for I’m captured
freely instead of fleeing I am here
still revealing those things that
will bring me to end

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