Tag Archive: children

Rutland police informed of crimes both racial and breach of human rights along with copyright laws but choose not to act….!

It has been several weeks now since my two arrest within a week… On both occasions I informed the police of crimes that were committed against myself and my son … They have had ample time to carry out investigations make inquiries and get back to me… I have heard nothing so in fact your telling me exactly what I have to do…….

If you inform the police of a crime they have a duty to act upon that information ….. Thus having been informed of several crimes on two different occasions in interview and you thus choose not to act where do you think that leaves you…. I told you people I’m not messing with you I told you I was coming and as my dad used to say if you carnt hear you must feel dam fool unno bout yu tink say yu smart…..!

People can only give you a hard time when you are trying to do the right thing
if you was doing something else they wouldn’t know
or would be too pussy scared to say or do anything back
we live in a time when banks can put people and business out on the streets
and stupid government officials are offended by the word cunt
come and tell me something to my face so I can kick your fucking teeth
out you cunts…!

Echo’s of the trees dreaming
As the wind rustles the branches
Causing the leaves to tremble in
That distant land of dreams in which
Lost reality of darkness now as it brings
An end to a day’s endurance and those
Questions begin to rest their weary
Minds in the darkness of the corners
Which light somehow does not find
Even in the brightest of summer days
And again the church bells play out a
Chorus for no apparent reason than the
Liking of the sound as to the echoes of an
Era gone by where man’s heart and mind
Were captured by a spirituality that somehow
No longer do we find it consoling of the death
From deep within and again troubled times
Are behind us and we take that breath
Of contentment and neglect

Why is it that governmental officials feel that they are not accountable to anyone ;s not even the Department for Works and Pensions bother answering complaints or enquires now ;o is that because they are informed not to or is it that everyone really is that fucking bad at doing their jobs ;o my pet hate is incompetent assholes whom tell you to follow rules and then do not themselves which I suppose applies to every government employee ;D I had some copper phone me up the other day to tell me that I will shortly receive a summons in the post before he went on to say that he’s investigating one of my complaints yeah right you fucking twat that’s impartiality isn’t it I’m fed up with complaining to you people only for you and your bum chums to go on another training exercise to learn what you should have known when you took up your fucking jobs in the first place incompetent bastards the lot of you….!

This is the lying bastard of a police officer whom came to our home and told us that what happens in school stays in school. And supposedly that I had no say whatsoever in whether or not to pursue the my son’s assault in school. While in our home he repeatedly lied and sought confrontation with myself while at the same time trying to play down the fact that my son had been assaulted. Not surprisingly I have been informed that the police have decided not to do anything about this assault a continuation of not only the schools discriminatory practices but also that of the police, for there has not been an incident in the last seven years where I have not had to take the police to court to force them to carry out what is meant to be their public duty but instead they have continually failed to protect either myself or my children. It’s not the first time I have met this particular officer as he came to our home last year when my neighbor was being verbally abused by a group of youths but the officers concerns then was that I was seen filming the young people being abusive and he was not interested at all in the fact that they were breaking the law at the time. Even then he made it quite apparent that if he could have arrested me for something then he would have done so and on top of that he then lied to say that he was giving me a warning for filming the group of youngsters. Going along those lines no recordable evidence would be admissible in a court including cctv to say nothing of the many video footage and phone pictures that were used in the recent killing of a solder in London.

What concerns me if that this is the 2nd of three complaints that I have raised with the police whom have not only taken their time in the investigation but have so far refused to provide evidence of either carrying out an investigation or the supplying of requested documents in relation to two arrests. While I represent myself in court it is obvious that Oakham police are withholding the information that not only am I entitled to as a self representative but that they have stated they would provide and have thus far chosen not to. Having had five cases where the police have misrepresented information in the last seven years while trying to prosecute me in addition to the four cases where I have had to take them to court in order for them to do their public duty I feel safe in saying that this is institutional racism, that this is discriminatory practice, that this is individuals choosing to use their public office for the carrying out of their own racist bigotry agenda and using their positions to be discriminatory, that this is common practice not only here in the heart of England Rutland but also throughout England…..

Do my eyes they deceive me
For my heart whont believe
Me when I tell it to leave
My mind alone for distance
May pass but to no place
Be last that resting place
A home of the kind where
Peace they can find from the
Pearcingly moan and groan
Of all differing kinds to windge
And whine sambo will you
Not go home oh how harsh
They seem vile and unclean
Do they not even respect their
Own for my family tree traces
Back to thee after Scotland
Ireland Jamaica the blood did
Roam look closely you’ll see
That deep within me your blood
Is finally home

Where is my religion when was
it decided who made the decision
that it should not be a way of life
the meaning for me to call such things
my home to changed that mansion
and now call it a home where the
mind and body do rest but where
the soul is put to the test of all things
that could be

Where is my religion when was
where did it go who took this from
me this promise of everlasting life
that reason to be whole that other
called wife and family where did
they go why did I not see the coming
of the night

Where is my religion when was
it is that shadow became light and
all that is done in the dark is now
just parcel and part of this we call
normality I not happy with what I
feel nor see

Where is my religion I have to ask
for that faith I don’t see in this every
day life of which death be such a big




Do you not see the shadows
at play they only come out
when children go away to their
homes at night for not to be seen
not to give fright to those images
of ghosts and other unseen things
in the minds imagination

Do you not see the shadows
they dance and they sing to one
another to bring that happiness
of kind on the slide the roundabout
for a ride while like angels they
glide easily too fast for the eye
to see but yet their there

Do you not see the shadows
for surely they watch closely
the comings and goings of both
you and I




The need of it to hold
On to put in the bank
For you can not make
The greed of it to feed
The face to deprive another
Just in case you should
Ever bleed
The speed of it to drop
Ones own forsake all
Others work fingers to
The bone just to have
That house and home
Be all secure and live
The sense of it to capture
The soul defragmentation
Never to be whole to keep
It separate from its kind
Thus reducing the chance
To find true happiness to
Know ones worth and be
Truly blessed

Rutland police incompetence…..

while I have been informed that the caution which I have had placed upon my police record is to be removed that still leaves me with a forthcoming case for common assault. I am not impressed with the inability of Rutland police to not only carry out the basic administrative tasks adequately but also they selectiveness to respond to crimes committed against myself or my son. It has been over six weeks since they were informed of my sons assault and it is only now they they are considering taking action and investigating the matter. I say investigate as it’s that old adage you can drag a horse to water but can not make it drink. Yes I have complained and they have investigated the illegal caution they gave me, yes that is now to be removed and yes because I am taking their sorry asses to court they are now going to investigate the local school. But they have been aware of the facts and seen the evidence in fact six weeks ago so what is their to investigate. If they wanted a copy of the statements and admittance they could have just have easily asked me for a copy or made a copy when the incompetent officer went to the the school in the first place.

I am actually fed up with incompetent police officers, social workers, council members, MP’s, dentists, surgeons and school head masters. While my insistence that they conduct themselves in the professional manor for which they are paid extortionate amounts of money results in changes to policy procedures and practice the fact remains that every encounter with these decrypt individuals results in either restrictions to my physical mental or emotional well being. They are in fact like motorist without a licence causing mayhem on the roads and resulting in continual injury to myself. It is obvious that these individuals has no notion of professionalism or accountability and are so used to doing what they want and making it up as they go along in the mistaken belief that their positions give them the authority to discriminate as and when they feel like it. I’m not finished with any of you by a long shot…..!

Self education and representation being the key!!!!

Racist headmaster of Catmose College endorses assault of pupil….!

Racist headmaster and school get full support and backing of the local police

Racist headmaster at vale of Catmose college hides behind woman when confronted

Equality Advisory Support Service offer of support ;s

Rutland Chief executive what’s the connection to Aman Mehra’s death

Police break law in order to uphold law…..!

Three racist gang up on black man in Rutland…..!

Racism in the county is rife…!

so what’s up then!

Council worker kills himself after suspension

Rutland County Councils chief executive officers only qualification is in cooking ;o


Boy assaulted and police refuse to act…!

Racist Rutland Police…. !

Rutland County Councils chief executive officers only qualification is in cooking ;o

Masons and their equals seem to be behind the scenes within Oakham Rutland

MP Alan Duncan your a cunt…

Rutland County Council and police….!

Racist headmaster and school get full support and backing of the local police

Racist headmaster and school get full support and backing of the local police

Racist headmaster at vale of Catmose college hides behind woman when confronted

Wife swapping dock sucking corrupt councillors in Rutland

MP breaks copywrite laws in order to have man arrested…!

It is what it is y’all saying to me
Drives me bloody mad can you not
See the defeatist attitude that goes
Hand in hand I’m gonna be rude for
I shal not give up hope ill not lay
Down nor hang by that rope of
Complacency I will not say tomorrow
Will be what it will be for I have
Not finished with today I’ve only
Just started got so much to say

It is what it is y’all saying to me
I’m ready to scream for can you
Not see that your already beaten
You might as well lay down for
Your already dead from the neck
Up I’d feel sorry for you and wish
You luck but I don’t I just keep
Thinking on those words you will
Choke for I haven’t given up today

It is what it is y’all saying to me

Close your eyes and imagine
those times of yesteryear
those times of children holding
hands and walking without
fear into the night of the inner
cities surrounded by the glow
of the yellow street lamps under
the gaze of passer-byes enjoying
the moment not complaining of
the cries of merriment and children
saying good byes as the headed
to their homes

Close your eyes and imagine
how it must of felt to know of
safety and that each heart would
melt into the eyes of a child not
concerned with judgement or
notions of running wild but
remembering those times when
to be so young was to be really free
only consideration was to be happy

Close your eyes and imagine
those times for have not our
children lost their childhood is
this not the real crime of living
in a democracy where crimes are
encouraged and paedophiles run free
having more rights than the children
this is depravity this death of the
innocence supported politically

Close your eyes and imagine

Child killers teaching kids….

What is the purpose of having an enhanced CRB. Having done some investigation into the CRB system I am somewhat surprised to learn that in fact it is nothing more than a fallacy. Regardless of what is on your CRB it is up to the employer to decide whether or not to employ an individual. It is thus that wife beaters ex murders, those that have killed people in road traffic accidents and even someone whom has killed a child in a car accident are still able to gain employment from teachers to council workers to members of parliament. So that does beg the question why is the CRB process necessary and what is its main goal or agenda. Of course I have my own opinions for even in yesterdays news with certain individuals victimised by the police and judiciary and having a charge constantly upon their records it reduces the chances of them obtaining work or full time employment. There is no law to protect you from the law and those whom use and abuse it’s power to act discriminatory regardless of whether they be police officers local councillors or members of parliament. In so many jobs you would be dismissed if you had an outstanding charge against you or you were on bail for several months but that does not seem to be the case within Rutland County Council or the government per-say but here serving members of the Council and local MP’s continue to receive public money and go about their every day business despite being guilty of a criminal or civil offence. My only conclusions is that the enhanced CRB system is a waste of tax payers money in assisting those whom would otherwise exclude individuals based upon their own likes dislikes prejudices legitimising that no we don’t want your kind working here a reflection of the statical over representation of certain classes, groups and races of people whom represent this countries underclass and long term unemployed…..

Board of Governors endorse racism at Catmose College

I’m not surprised that the board of governors of Catmose College part of the Catmose Federation have chosen to endorse the discriminatory actions of the current head master of Catmose College. It is not the first time they have endorsed such actions but it will be the first time I am taking them to court for it. Unfortunately for them I am a very good keeper of records and this current action will enable me to bring out all the discriminatory practices bullying both verbal and physical towards my previous son whom attended their school and has also had to not only endure such actions from this racist community but was in fact denied an education by both the school and the local council Rutland County Council to say nothing of the discrimination that he received at the hands of the local police. The thing is these bigots think that they can continue their actions and that there is no accountability for their actions or omissions. It really is about time you individuals were dragged by the throat into this year of 2013 instead of trying to carry on as you have done for the last how ever many decades. I’m no going anywhere and despite you closing ranks plus use of the local Rutland Country Council under the leader ship of the chief Helen Brigs , MP Duncan Smith and Rutland Police you don’t scare me…….

Self education and representation being the key!!!!

Racist headmaster of Catmose College endorses assault of pupil….!

Racist headmaster and school get full support and backing of the local police

Racist headmaster at vale of Catmose college hides behind woman when confronted

Equality Advisory Support Service offer of support ;s

Rutland Chief executive what’s the connection to Aman Mehra’s death

Police break law in order to uphold law…..!

Three racist gang up on black man in Rutland…..!

Racism in the county is rife…!

so what’s up then!

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